The Church Family Lesson Text: James 5:13-20. A. Word Study. From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical words. 1. 5:13. a. “Afflicted” (KJV) and “in trouble” (NIV) has been translated from “kakepatheo.” This is a combination of “kakos,” evil, plus “pathos,” suffering; it signifies “to suffer hardship.” b. “He should pray.” NIV. “Let them pray.” KJV. […]
Lesson Twelve – The Rich and the Proud
The Rich and the Proud Lesson Text: James 4:13-5:12 A. Word Study: 4:16. The English words “boast” (NIV), and “rejoice” (KJV) are translated from the root of the Greek word “kauche.” It means to glory or boast. See Word Study, Lesson Nine, A, 5. Paul used this word as a “technical word” in the Corinthian […]
Lesson Eleven – What is Your Life
What is Your Life Lesson Text: James 4:7-12. A. Introduction: This block of scripture could be applied to a large number of topics in the Bible. James could have had all the topics he introduced in this letter in mind. How “God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble” is God’s story about […]
Lesson Ten – Satisfaction for Innate Needs
Satisfaction for Innate Needs Lesson Text: James 4:1-6. A. Review of James chapters 1-3. B. Word Study. Verse 1. Lusts (KJV), desires (NIV) and pleasures (RV). The Greek word is “hedone.” It means the gratification of sinful desires. This Greek word is translated “pleasures” in both KJV and NIV in Luke 8:14. Verse 2. […]
Lesson Nine – Wisdom From Above
Wisdom from Above Text: James 3:13-18. A. Word study from “The Expanded Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.” 1. Verse 13. Wise (Gr. sophos). This is an adjective describing believers endowed with spiritual and practical wisdom. See Romans 16:19. Wisdom is translated from the Greek word “sophia.” It means insight into the true nature […]
Lesson Eight – The Tongue
The Tongue Text: James 3:1-12. A. Introduction: The subject of communication by speech has been introduced in James 1:19, 26; 2:12. In the text of this lesson James will make a very clear statement about the power of communication. He used “the tongue” as an analogy for the communication that passes from our inner most […]
Lesson Seven – Faith Made Perfect
Faith Made Perfect Text: James. 2:14-26, plus related scriptures. A. Introduction: The aim of this lesson is to show how Christians’ faith shapes our “world view” after we learn the teachings in column one of the following chart. It will also serve as a summary of the previous lesson. Christians have decided in our minds […]
Lesson Six – Faith Without Deeds is Useless
Faith Without Deeds is Useless Lesson Text: James 2:14-26. I. Review of Chapter One. This chart is about successes and failures in faith testing exercises. II. Summary. 1. A Christian’s faith develops by hearing – and hearing again – God’s word. James told us we should have formed our new “faith identity” from our encounters […]
Lesson Five – The Evil of Favoritism
The Evil of Favoritism Lesson Text: James 2:1-13. I. Word study: Verses 1 and 9. Verse 1. Favoritism in the NIV and “respect of persons” in the KJV has been translated from the Greek word, prosopolemptes, a verb. From two words: (1). Prosopon – meaning a face or a person. (2). Lambano – to lay […]
Lesson Four – Working Out the New Covenant
Working Out the New Covenant Lesson Text: James 1:19-27. A. Introduction. The reason it is necessary for God to beget mature people “in Adam” is because mankind is aware of what is good and what is evil. Children will have developed two very long lists of what is good and what is evil in their […]