Persistence in Prayer Lesson Aim: To show how a persistent prayer life can persuade God to change things that are otherwise unchangeable. Scripture: Luke 11:5-13. Historical analysis for reading the two parables. Place: Probably Judea, Luke 10:38. Occasion: One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, Luke 11:1. Time: Jesus’ ministry was […]
Lesson Four – You Will Stand Alone
You Will Stand Alone Lesson Aim: To show that although Christians are now “individually members one of another” in the body of Christ each of us must be prepared to stand alone before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. Scripture: Matt. 25:31-46. Historical analysis for reading the parable. See Part IV, Lesson Two. Lesson On Judgment Day […]
Lesson Three – Be Alert
Be Alert Lesson Aim: To show that if the present program of satisfying our drives for achievement, social acceptance and security is approved for Christians at Judgment, we will be rewarded with an eternal program for these same drives. Scriptures: Matt. 24:42-25; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 12:35-48; 21:34-36. Historical analysis for reading the parable. See Part […]
Lesson Two – The Variables in a Christian’s Judgment
The Variables in a Christian’s Judgment Lesson Aim: To identify what the talents and minas represent in the parables and to understand the basis by which they are distributed to Christians. Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30. Historical analysis for reading the parable. Place: At the temple in Jerusalem, Matt. 24:1; 26:1-5. Occasion: Jesus was teaching general lessons […]
Lesson One – Judgment Belongs to God
Judgment Belongs to God Lesson Aim: To show that God has not given the church the wisdom or the responsibility to eliminate evil. Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-39. Historical analysis for reading the parable. Place: Probably the Sea of Galilee, Matt. 13:1; Mark 4:1, 2. Occasion: Jesus was teaching the kingdom on a Galilean tour with […]
Part IV, Introduction – God’s Judgment of Each Person in the World and in His Kingdom
God’s Judgment of Each Person in the World and in His Kingdom Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; those who did the good deeds, to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds […]
Lesson Ten – Counting the Cost
Counting the Cost Lesson Aim: To show how the personal cost of being a child of God demands disciplinary training and the relinquishing of our world identity and title claims. Scripture: Luke 14:25-35. Historical analysis for reading these three parables. Place: On the road somewhere between Galilee and the Jerusalem area. Luke 9:51; 19:1. Occasion: […]
Lesson Nine – A Justified Sinner
Justified Sinner Lesson Aim: To establish the doctrine of justification by faith and to reveal the proper attitude of a Christian in order to have peace with God. Scripture: Luke 18:9-14. Historical analysis for reading the parable. Place: Probably the Jerusalem area or while Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, Luke 17:11. Occasion: “He […]
Lesson Eight – A Cause for Rejoicing
A Cause for Rejoicing Lesson Aim: To show that the church should share the concern of the heavenly host for the lost and rejoice with them when a sinner repents. Scripture: Luke 15:1-32. Historical analysis for reading these three parables. Place: In the Jerusalem area or across the Jordan in Perea, Luke 13: 34, 35. […]
Lesson Seven – Persistence in Prayer
Persistence in Prayer Lesson Aim: To show how a persistent prayer life can persuade God to change things that are otherwise unchangeable. Scripture: Luke 11:5-13. Historical analysis for reading the two parables. Place: Probably Judea, Luke 10:38. Occasion: One of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, Luke 11:1. Time: Jesus’ ministry was […]