Lesson 2 – Jesus Evangelizes Judea, Samaria and Galilee


Luke introduced three evangelists: 

Stephen who became Luke’s first

recorded martyr, Acts 6:8 – 7:60.

Philip, the evangelist, 8:4 – 40.

He was not Philip, the apostle (1:13).

He was the evangelist in whose

house the Apostle Paul once stayed.

He lived in Caesarea by the sea.

He had four unmarried daughters

who prophesied, 21:8, 9.

Saul, 8:1-3; 9:1-31.

Jesus said, “This man is a chosen

instrument to carry my name

before Gentiles and their kings and

before the people of Israel.” 9:15.

Luke introduced Saul/Paul into his

narrative at the stoning of Stephen.

The witnesses laid their clothes at

Saul’s feet (7:58). See Deut. 17:7.

Stephen: “A man full of God’s grace and 

power.” Acts 6:8.

Members of the Synagogue of Freedmen

argued with Stephen “but could not stand

up against his wisdom or the Holy Spirit

by whom he spoke.” 6:10.

They brought false charges and false

witnesses against him.

He was brought before the Sanhedrin.

The false charges: 6:12-15.

Blasphemy against Moses and God.

Speaking against the temple and

the law. They claimed, Jesus said He

would destroy this place and change the

customs Moses handed down.

The Sanhedrin was conditioned to view

Stephen’s face as an angel.

In this setting he reviewed these Jewish

authorities’ history for them.

His lesson may have been God’s last

evangelism message especially designed

for the Sanhedrin.

Philip, the evangelist, went down 

to a city in Samaria. Acts 8:4-25.

As in the case of Jesus, when the

Jewish authorities began to loose

control over the people they used

force. 8:1-3. The church scattered

out of Jerusalem, except the apostles

and the local members.

Philip had the power to do miracles:

Such as signs, heal the ill and crippled

and drive out evil spirits. 6, 7.

This gave Philip an audience. He

preached the good news of the

kingdom of God and Christ 8:5, 12.

Men and women were baptized,

Also, a sorcerer by the name of Simon.

This is the way the church came to

be in Samaria; however, it was

necessary for the apostles to come

and lay their hands on the baptized

believers in order for the Holy Spirit

to work with and through them, 17.

Philip and the eunuch 

from Ethiopia. Acts 8:26-40.

A simplified conversion:

The eunuch was reading a Scrip-ture from Isaiah. Acts 8:32,33.

It was a prophecy about the

murder of Jesus Christ.

This prophecy had to be

interpreted by someone

who was inspired by God.

Philip had the help of the Holy

Spirit. 6:5; 8:29.

From this Scripture about the

sacrifice of Jesus, Philip taught

him the kingdom of God and

how to be transferred to this

kingdom, 8:12, 35. The

eunuch accepted this teaching

and responded by baptism in water. The Holy Spirit (by the direction of Jesus) took Philip away, 8:39.

Jesus had instructed the apostles 

to be His “witnesses in Jerusalem,

and in all Judea and Samaria, and to

the ends of the earth.” 1:8.

We have witnessed the evangelism

of Jerusalem.

It is vital to our study that we keep

in our minds what we witnessed in

this evangelism program.

It is God’s program through Jesus

Christ as, Prince and Savior.

He directed all events through

the Holy Spirit to the apostles

and others He chose.

Stephen refuted the charges against 

him by retelling the story of Israel in

the way all would agree.

Finally, he touched the charges about

the temple by quoting Isaiah 66:1, 2.

Who could build a house for God who,

Himself, created all things? God does

not live in the temple in Jerusalem.

Stephen then made the same

accusation the apostles had made:

“You crucified Jesus Christ.” 4:10; 5:30.

See Stephen’s full charges: 7:51-53.

His final testimony so enraged the

Jewish leaders, they killed him. 7:56.

Simon had claimed false powers 

before his new birth. When he

witnessed real power in the hands

of the apostles he sinned by trying

to buy a gift of God.

Peter let him know – it can’t be done.

The teaching (doctrine) we learn is:

A believing sinner can turn from

his or her wicked life and be

baptized for the remission of their

sins. This gives them citizenship in

God and Christ’s kingdom. If they

turn back to sin they can repent and

pray to the Lord for forgiveness, 8:20ff.

Saul, the man from Tarsus. 


Jesus asked Saul why he was

persecuting Him? (To

persecute the church is to

persecute Jesus, Eph. 1:22,23).

Saul’s response was; “Who

are you Lord?” When Saul

understood it was Jesus who

had been crucified, he also

understood Jesus is the Christ,

the Son of God, 9:20, 22.

Saul became the Apostle Paul

and the churches had peace.

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