Lesson 3 – God Opens the Door of Faith for the Gentiles


Things to keep in 

mind as Jesus

began to call the


The Holy Spirit was carrying out God 

and Jesus’ orders

from heaven to

people on earth.

The church 

outside Jerusalem

Peter’s mission outside Jerusalem in Palestine 

9:32-35. He healed Aeneas and preached in Lydda

and Sharon. A church was planted.

9:36-43. He raised a dead woman named Tabitha

(Dorcas) and many people believed in Joppa.

11:1-18. Peter 

prepared the “apostles and brothers throughout Judea” to

accept the Gentiles.

The Lord was on the “second leg” of His evangelism 

program. 1:8.

The apostles were 

baptized with the

Holy Spirit, 1:5, 2:4.

Others filled, 6:3.

Jesus had taught in 

Samaria, John 4:41.

Philip taught and

baptized there. 8:12.

10:1-8. God prepared Cornelius and his house- 

hold to be the first Gentiles to receive the full

gospel of Jesus Christ. See Eph. 2:11-13.

The messenger from God was an angel.

11:19-26. Church at Antioch. Jews only had been taught.
Jesus is reigning at the right hand of God.2:36; 7:56. Miraculous signs, 

healing, driving out

evil spirits, 5:12-16

The eunuch went 

home to Ethiopia

as a Christian, 8:39.

10:9-16. God prepared Peter to associate with 

Gentiles. God used a vision to make His point.

“Do not call anything impure God has made clean.”

Later, preachers from offshore 

taught Greeks.

God is fulfilling 

promises to:

Abraham, Moses,

David. 2:16, 34; 3:22-26.

Angels and the Spirit 

guided Philip, 8:26, 39. Language prob-lems eliminated, 2:6-8. Gave message, 4:8.

Ananias, a Christian, 

was already in

Damascus when Saul

arrived, 9:10.

10:17-26. The Holy Spirit intervened to guide 

Peter to Cornelius’ house in Caesarea.

The first scene we see is a Roman Centurion

falling at a fisherman’s feet. “Stand up,” Peter

said, “I am only a man myself.” 10:26.

Barnabas and Saul arrived in Antioch. Taught one year. 

Great numbers called Christians.

The Jewish rulers 

were resisting Jesus’ as Prince and Savior.

They flogged the apostles, 5:40.

Stephen was stoned to death, 7:57-59.

Disciples were put in prison, 8:3.

Still the number of the saved increased to thousands:

In Jerusalem, 6:7.

In Judea, Galilee,

Samaria, 9:31.


Believers who had 

their sins removed

in the processes of

the new birth had fellowship and help

of the Holy Spirit –

if they remained

faithfully obedient.

See 2:38, 39; 4:31;


Two people lied to

the Holy Spirit.

They both died

Instantly, 5:1-11.

One tried to buy

the apostles’ gift,

8:18-24. Told to

repent and pray.

Jews from many 

nations heard Peter

and the apostles

preach Jesus on

Pentecost. 2:5ff.

Many were converted

before they were

scattered, 2:41; 8:1.

Saul preached Jesus

was the Christ In

Damascus (9:22) and

Arabia for three years

(Gal. 1:17, 18).

Then he was sent

home to Tarsus, 9:30.

He taught in Cilicia

and Syria.

Gal. 1:21-23.

10:27-48. Peter spoke after Cornelius said, “Now 

we are all here in the presence of God to listen to

everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.”

Note: Peter’s message was from Jesus Christ via

the Holy Spirit. He was not Reverend Peter, or a

holy man, cardinal or a pope.

The message:

Point one. “God does not show favoritism but

accepts men from every nation who fear Him and

do what is right.” Vs. 34, 35.

Point two. “You know.” The audience knew every

thing about Jesus’ life ministry. Peter finished the

rest of the story for them. The Jews killed Jesus but

God raised Him up as judge of the living and dead.

The Holy Spirit manifested His presence to assure

everyone present of God’s approval.

Point three. “Can anyone keep these people from

being baptized with water? V. 47.

12:1-19. The persecution of 

the church was now from King Herod.

James, the apostle, was put to death.

Peter was put in prison. Jesus sent an angel to free

him 12:19-25.

Jesus sent an angel to strike Herod dead with worms.

“The word of God continued to increase and spread.”12:24.


The chart on the foregoing page consists of five columns. They should be read from the top of the page down. Please read the heading of the first three column and read down on each. The last two columns are designed to lead the reader through the narratives in the text. Start at the top of column four and following the numbering of the scriptures down. Return to the top of column five and proceed.

Then the church thoughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. Acts 9:31

In this narrative Jesus Christ was ready to start taking the gospel about His roles as Prince and Savior in the kingdom of God “to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8. Even though He had already appointed the Apostle Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles, He will send Peter to invite the first Gentile in Palestine into the fellowship of the church (10:14, 47, 48). His name was , Cornelius. Jesus’ wisdom for using Peter may be understood as follows:

  1. Saul, who had become the Apostle Paul had returned from Damascus and Arabia, not with Christian prisioners, but as a powerful preacher of the gospel (9:19, 20). However, since “the Jews conspired to kill him,” he would have made the welcoming of the Gentiles more difficult (9:23).
  2. Jesus did not build a church with the Jews and Gentiles in a separate fellowship (Rom. 15:5-9). Paul could have been viewed as a rebel who had lost his high position with the Jews and turned to the Gentiles for followers (Phil. 3:4-6). Consequently, Jesus sent Peter, a devout Jew, to the Gentiles.

In fact, Jesus’ church is not divided (John 17:20, 21; I Cor. 1:10-13). The presence of the Holy Spirit’s work in Jesus’

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