Parables of Jesus

Part I – God’s Kingdom with Jesus as King and Physical Israel

  • Lesson One: Physical Israel and God’s Kingdom English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how God separated the people of His kingdom, physical Israel, like a vineyard in order to get the fruit He desired.
    Scripture: Matt. 21:33-45; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-18; Isa. 5:1-7.
  • Lesson Two: Jesus, the King of God’s Kingdom English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that under the new leadership God will have fruit in His kingdom.
    Scripture: Matt. 21:33-46.
  • Lesson Three: John Calls a Fruitless Nation to Repentance English | Telugu
    Aim: To show the purpose of John’s preaching and the condition of different groups in Israel as they responded to the message of the kingdom.
    Scripture: Matt. 3:1-9; Luke 1:13-17; Matt. 11:1-19; Luke 7:16-35; Matt. 21:28-32.
  • Lesson Four: Jews and Gentiles United in God’s Kingdom English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that God’s eternal purpose of developing sons in His kingdom is being fulfilled from sinners of all races.
    Luke 14:15-24; Matt. 22:1-14; Acts 13:44-49; Rom. 15:7-12; Eph. 2:11-18.
  • Lesson Five: The Transition Period English | Telugu
    Aim: To consider certain statements, stories, and parables given by Jesus while on earth about the kingdom of God in its transition.
    Scripture: Matt. 9:10-17; Mark 2:15-22; Luke 5:29-39; Luke 16:19-31; Matt. 13:51-53.

Part II – The Seed of the Kingdom and Its Influence on the Hearts of Men

  • Introduction: The Seed of the Kingdom and Its Influence on the Hearts of Man English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the various responses of mankind to the word of God are due to the condition of their hearts.
    Scripture: Mark 4:1-29; Matt. 13:1-23; Luke 8:4-15.
  • Lesson One: The Hearts of Mankind English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the various responses of mankind to the word of God are due to the condition of their hearts.
    Scripture: Mark 4:1-29; Matt. 13:1-23; Luke 8:4-15.
  • Lesson Two: The Worth of the Kingdom English | Telugu
    Aim: To show the value of the higher life and how it replaces all temporal pursuits as a main goal.
    Scripture: Matt. 13:44-46.
  • Lesson Three: The Power of the Indwelling Seed English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that when the seed has been planted in good soil, a Christian becomes what is written in the word of God.
    Scripture: Matt. 13:31-33.
  • Lesson Four: Build Your Foundation Before Tribulations Come English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how Christians prepare our “self” to benefit from tribulations in our lives by laying a foundation from the teachings of Jesus before our testing comes.
    Luke Matt. 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49.
  • Lesson Five: Spiritual Growth Expected English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the combined forces of heaven and God’s people on earth join together in their concern for fruit in every member of the church.
    Scripture: Luke 13:6-9.

Part III – Attitudes of God’s Citizens toward God, Mankind and Self

  • Introduction: Attitudes of God’s Citizens toward God, Mankind and Self English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the various responses of mankind to the word of God are due to the condition of their hearts.
    Scripture: Mark 4:1-29; Matt. 13:1-23; Luke 8:4-15.
  • Lesson One: Self Identity English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how we have identified with true life when we see our “self” separate from our world positions and possessions.
    Scripture: Luke 12:13-23.
  • Lesson Two: Identifying One’s Neighbor English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that no one is excluded as our neighbor where mercy is needed.
    Scripture: Luke 10:25-27.
  • Lesson Three: Forgiveness Stimulates Love English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how to provoke love where no love is evident.
    Scripture: Luke 7:36-50; Matt. 18:21-35.
  • Lesson Four: Attaining Honor English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how people must achieve and be socially accepted in a seat of honor before they will have the glory that will satisfy their inherent need for glory.
    Luke 14:7-11.
  • Lesson Five: God’s Children are Servants English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that when Christians recognize the sovereignty of God we will accept our individual role as a servant.
    Scripture: Matt. 20:1-16; Luke 17:5-10.
  • Lesson Six: God’s Children are Stewards English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how Christians use God’s possessions in time to attain our own possessions in eternity.
    Scripture: Luke 16:1-12.
  • Lesson Seven: Persistence in Prayer English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how a persistent prayer life can persuade God to change things which are otherwise unchangeable?
    Scripture: Luke 11:5-13.
  • Lesson Eight: A Cause for Rejoicing English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that the church should share the concern of the heavenly host for the lost and rejoice with them when a sinner repents.
    Scripture: Luke 15:1-32.
  • Lesson Nine: A Justified Sinner English | Telugu
    Aim: To establish the doctrine of justification by faith and to reveal the proper attitude of a Christian in order to have peace with God.
    Scripture: Luke 18:9-14.
  • Lesson Ten: Counting the Cost English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the personal cost of being a child of God demands disciplinary training and the relinquishing of our world identity and title claims.
    Luke 14:25-35.

Part IV – God’s Judgment of Each Person in the World and in His Kingdom

  • Introduction: The Seed of the Kingdom and It’s Influence on the Hearts of Man English | Telugu
    Aim: To show how the various responses of mankind to the word of God are due to the condition of their hearts.
    Scripture: Mark 4:1-29; Matt. 13:1-23; Luke 8:4-15.
  • Lesson One: Judgment Belongs to God English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that God has not given the church the wisdom or the responsibility to eliminate evil.
    Scripture: Matt. 13:24-30, 36-39.
  • Lesson Two: The Variables in a Christian’s Judgment English | Telugu
    Aim: To identify the three variables God will use for Christians’ Judgment.
    Scripture: Matt. 25:14-30.
  • Lesson Three: Be Alert English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that if our present program for satisfying our drives for achievement, social acceptance and security is approved at Judgment, we will be rewarded with an eternal program that will satisfy these drives.
    Scripture: Matt. 24:42 – 25:13; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 12:35-48; 21:34-36.
  • Lesson Four: You Will Stand Alone English | Telugu
    Aim: To show that although Christians are now “individually members one of another” in the body of Christ each of us must be prepared to stand alone before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day.
    Matt. 25:31-46.

A printed copy of the above books in English and Telugu are available within India. If you desire a book please contact us