Part I
Part II – The Beatitudes
- Lesson One: Poor in Spirit English | Telugu
- Lesson Two: Blessed are Those Who Mourn English | Telugu
- Lesson Three: Blessed are the Meek English | Telugu
- Lesson Four: Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness Sake English | Telugu
- Lesson Five: Merciful English | Telugu
- Lesson Six: Pure in Heart English | Telugu
- Lesson Seven: Peacemakers English | Telugu
- Lesson Eight: Persecuted for Righteousness English | Telugu
- Lesson Nine: Salt and Light English | Telugu
Part III – Introduction to Character Development
- Introduction to the Study of Christian Character English | Telugu
- Lesson One: The Requirements of the Law English | Telugu
- Lesson Two: Anger, the Potential to Murder English | Telugu
- Lesson Three: Adultery and Divorce English | Telugu
- Lesson Four: Nothing, But the Truth English | Telugu
- Lesson Five: Growing from Anger to Love English | Telugu
Part IV – Why People Do What We Do – Introduction to Matthew Chapter Six
- Introduction – Why We Do What We Do English | Telugu
- Lesson One: The Grace of a Giving Heart English | Telugu
- Lesson Two: Speaking to God English | Telugu
- Lesson Three: Fasting English | Telugu
- Lesson Four: The Antidote for Fear English | Telugu
- Lesson Five: The Higher Needs of the Human Soul English | Telugu
Part V – Introduction – Inferiority Complexes
- Introduction – Inferiority Complexes English | Telugu
- Lesson One: Motives for Judging English | Telugu
- Lesson Two: Interdependent Relationships English | Telugu
- Lesson Three: The Holiness and Pearls of Adolescence English | Telugu
- Lesson Four: Young Adults English | Telugu
- Lesson Five : Making Jesus’ Life Principles Our Habits English | Telugu
- Lesson Six : Speaking With Authority English | Telugu
A printed copy of the above books in English and Telugu are available within India. If you desire a book please contact us