A Living Soul Introduction How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we […]
Door of Faith – Lesson One
Secret Wisdom of God Before Time Began Introduction The intent of this lesson is to present scriptures revealing the mind of God before He created the world. A very brief study of the original context for properly reading scriptures selected for study will be offered. References will be made to lessons in other documents written […]
The Kingdom of God The following excerpt is the first paragraph in the preface of a book of lessons entitled, “The Kingdom of God,” my wife, Hilda, and I published in 1987. The book is posted in English and Telugu on our website. www.kingdomofchrist.info This book on the Kingdom of God is the result of […]
Introduction – Born in a Box
Born in a Box There are seven billion, two hundred million people alive on this date on planet earth. This number can be adjusted to the date this Introduction is being read by adding the number of births minus the people who have ceased living “under the sun.” The world population has been estimated to […]
Preface: Why Paul Wrote to the Saints in Rome
Preface Why Paul Wrote to the Saints in Rome Theme: The righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel. Romans 1:17 Faith in the gospel is God’s power to save mankind from sin, death, the wrath of God and Law. (All law such as the Law God gave to Israel through Moses). See Romans 5:12-21. […]
Lesson One – Paul Arrives in Corinth
Paul Arrives in Corinth Introduction A study of Luke’s narrative called Acts is a prerequisite for reading several of the letters in the New Testament. It is a “must do” for our study of the Corinthian letters because so much of the content is understood in the context of the Acts narrative. For instance, Paul’s […]
Introduction – Historical Analysis
Historical Analysis This is a principled study of the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church. He wrote this series of letters after members of the household of Chloe informed him about quarreling in the church. The members were dividing over whether to follow Paul, Apollos, Cephas or Christ. This may have been […]

Lesson 2 – Travels in Acts
30 AD Jesus returned to heaven – Acts 1:9 Holy Spirit came on Pentecost- Acts 2:1-4 Preaching in Jerusalem by Peter and John – Acts Ch. 3-5 Stephen chosen and killed- Acts Ch. 6, 7 Church scattered- Acts 8:1 Phillip in Samaria- Acts 8:5 34* AD Saul converted- Acts 9:4 In Damascus- Acts 9:16 In […]
Introduction to a Study of Evangelism in Acts
Introduction to a Study of Evangelism in Acts Luke’s narrative called Acts, or Acts of the Apostles, had its beginning with John the Baptist, in Luke’s Gospel (Luke 1:17). The Israelites had been looking for the Messiah (Hebrew), or the Christ (Greek). They thought John, the Baptist, might be the one who was promised. John […]

Hebrews – Lesson One
Introduction to Hebrews Brothers, I urge you to bear with my word of exhortation, for I have written you only a short letter. Hebrews 13:22 (more…)