Slow to Learn Lesson Aim: To gather specific information about what was going on with the Hebrew Christians who received this letter in order to determine why it was written. The Hebrew letter was written to members of the church of the firstborn (Heb. 12:22-24). So with this information, let us start our study with […]

Hebrews – Lesson Three
Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence Lesson Aim: To continue our historical analysis of the Hebrew letter in order to complete our list of “specific problems” of the recipients. Introduction The Scriptures, Hebrews 10:32-39 and 12:1-13, contain some specific statements about the Christians’ spiritual weaknesses who received this document. There are specific statements made in these […]

Hebrews – Lesson Four
How Far Did They Fall? Lesson Aim: To understand the spiritual level of the Hebrew Christians by examining the author’s suggestive statements about their weaknesses. Introduction In Lessons Two and Three we made a “specific problems” list of the Hebrew Christian’s problems. This list is needful, in fact, it is a “must do.” We will […]

Hebrews – Lesson Five
Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus Lesson Aim: To continue to develop our list of “suggestive problems” of those Christians who received the Hebrew epistle in order to understand the level of their spiritual degradation Introduction We will want to keep in mind where we are, or where we are not, in our study of Hebrews. […]

Hebrews – Lesson Six
Getting Closer to God Lesson Aim: To follow the writer’s style in order to understand how he seeks to restore the confidence of the Hebrew Christians by presenting the priesthood of Jesus Christ on the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Introduction From the previous lessons we have a general picture of what was “going on” […]

Hebrews – Lesson Seven
Discipline by Tribulations My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son. Hebrews 12:5, 6 Lesson Aim: To follow the writer’s style in chapters eleven and twelve of Hebrews in […]
Hebrews – Lesson Eight
Without Holiness No One Will See the Lord Lesson Aim: To complete the exegesis of the Hebrew document. Introduction The following is a review of the author’s style in his letter to the Hebrews: Hebrews 1:4 – 2:16: Step one. Angels. What the Hebrew Christians knew from their culture. They knew the message spoken by […]

Lesson One – Predestined
From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson One Our presence in this world is no accident. There was a carefully laid plan for us long before the first sunrise. The good earth upon which we walk did not evolve into its present form. The world was created full grown and able to reproduce its own kind […]

Lesson Two – Called
From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson Two Adam was the first living soul; therefore, his characteristics became the standard for all living souls. We bear his mental and physical image. The Apostle Paul said, “As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who […]

Lesson Three – New Covenant
From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson Three Employers make covenants with their employees. They offer a certain sum of money and other benefits for a fixed amount of hours or production. Schools and institutions enter into covenant relationships with their students. The students must accept the covenant and apply themselves to the program in order […]