A Living Being Introduction The aim of this lesson is to help us keep aware of what the Apostle Paul wanted each church member to be aware of about their “self.” He wrote “so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.” I Cor. […]
Lesson Five – Paul’s Literary Style in II Corinthians
Paul’s Literary Style in II Corinthians Introduction II Corinthians is the last letter Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. We know about four letters he wrote between the first time he left Corinth and the time he returned to pick up their gifts for the saints in Jerusalem (Acts 18:1-17; 20:2-6; 24:17; I Cor.3:10). […]
Lesson Three – Boasting in II Corinthians
Boasting in II Corinthians Introduction We learned about the Corinthian church’s problems and the possible source of their division in our historical analysis in Part I. Now we are attempting to know and understand God’s divine answer to this problem from our study of Paul’s letters. His answer will be the divine principle we take […]
Part II, Introduction – Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis With a clear view of the information we gleaned in our exegetical approach to the Corinthian letters, we can more distinctly hear and understand what Paul said to the recipient’s particular situation. Exegesis is concerned with the “then and there.” We do historical and literary analysis under the banner of exegesis. From what […]
Lesson Four – A Summary of Historical Analysis
A Summary of Historical Analysis Introduction In this lesson we will first summarize what we have learned about what was going on in Corinth when Paul wrote the series of Corinthian letters. Then we will look for the remaining historical data that will help us fill out our hypothesis about the condition of the church […]
Lesson Three – Satan’s False Apostles
Satan’s False Apostles Introduction The lessons in Part I have been designed to prepare us to read the Corinthian letters. When we learn to read the letters and other biblical literature we move from the dependent stage of divine learning to a more independent level of study and understanding. Christians are disciples. We are always […]
Lesson Two – Paul, Called to be an Apostle
Paul, Called to be an Apostle Introduction In Lesson One of this Introduction of the Corinthian letters we learned how these letters fit into Luke’s narrative in the book of Acts. They have their chronological, geographical and individual narrative recorded in Acts. As we progress in our study from I Corinthians to II Corinthians we […]
Lesson One – Paul Arrives in Corinth
Paul Arrives in Corinth Introduction A study of Luke’s narrative called Acts is a prerequisite for reading several of the letters in the New Testament. It is a “must do” for our study of the Corinthian letters because so much of the content is understood in the context of the Acts narrative. For instance, Paul’s […]
Introduction – Historical Analysis
Historical Analysis This is a principled study of the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church. He wrote this series of letters after members of the household of Chloe informed him about quarreling in the church. The members were dividing over whether to follow Paul, Apollos, Cephas or Christ. This may have been […]