Purpose of the Levitical Priesthood Introduction God’s abandonment of the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood in favor of the Levitical Priesthood was another of His major moves in history. It was a temporary arrangement until Jesus Christ “was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” Heb. 5:10. Most of Jacob’s […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Seven
God’s Kingdom Within His People Introduction God’s story in the Bible is about His purpose for creating mankind to be His children in His eternal kingdom. As Peter said, “We do not follow cleverly invented stories.” II Pet. 1:16. “But men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” II Pet. […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Six
Covenant of Promise Introduction In this lesson we will witness another major move God made to accomplish His purpose to develop children for His eternal kingdom. God made this move because a crisis developed similar to the situation in the days of Noah. The crisis developed when only a few people existed on earth with […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Five
Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood Introduction The aim of this lesson is to understand how the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood was God’s mechanism for offering covenants to sinful man. God’s covenants contained His “requirements, commands, decrees and laws.” Gen. 26:5. They also contained promises and grace. God did not create us to simply shower […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Four
The New Relationship of God with Mankind Introduction Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. Rom. 5:12 Our study of the scriptures presented in Lessons One, Two and Three help us understand the change in […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Three
Man Has Become as One of Us Introduction Assuming, as Christians, we have understood why and how God created us, we can make a decision, by our own intelligence, to have faith in the scriptures we studied in Lessons One and Two. Each time we practice this cycle of learning; that is, reading scriptures in […]
Door of Faith – Lesson Two
A Living Soul Introduction How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we […]
Door of Faith – Lesson One
Secret Wisdom of God Before Time Began Introduction The intent of this lesson is to present scriptures revealing the mind of God before He created the world. A very brief study of the original context for properly reading scriptures selected for study will be offered. References will be made to lessons in other documents written […]
The Kingdom of God The following excerpt is the first paragraph in the preface of a book of lessons entitled, “The Kingdom of God,” my wife, Hilda, and I published in 1987. The book is posted in English and Telugu on our website. www.kingdomofchrist.info This book on the Kingdom of God is the result of […]
Introduction – Born in a Box
Born in a Box There are seven billion, two hundred million people alive on this date on planet earth. This number can be adjusted to the date this Introduction is being read by adding the number of births minus the people who have ceased living “under the sun.” The world population has been estimated to […]