Following Peter’s Train of Thought in His Second Letter Introduction The aim of this lesson is to follow Peter’s structure of the body of his second letter. He used the standard form for writing letters in the first century in the Roman Empire. Peter’s introduction of himself, the identification of the recipients, the grace and […]
Lesson Two – The Body of Peter’s First Letter
The Body of Peter’s First Letter Introduction This is a continuation of Lesson One. In this lesson we will make a summary observation of the body and close of Peter’s first letter. We will keep his express purpose for writing the letter in mind according to Lesson One. The aim is to follow Peter’s thoughts […]
Lesson One – Reading I & II Peter
Reading I & II Peter Please review Part I, “Reading James,” item A, entitled, “Biblical principles for reading and interpreting a letter.” We will apply these same principles for reading Peter’s letters. In fact, we cannot properly read his first letter until we understand his prophesies in his second letter. They are about what the […]
Introduction, Why Peter Wrote I & II Peter
Why Peter Wrote I & II Peter Why were these letters written? This is the first question disciples of Jesus Christ ask about each letter in the Bible. We ask this and other questions so we can read them according to the principles of biblical interpretation. This exegetical approach protects us from forcing our presuppositions […]