30 AD Jesus returned to heaven – Acts 1:9 Holy Spirit came on Pentecost- Acts 2:1-4 Preaching in Jerusalem by Peter and John – Acts Ch. 3-5 Stephen chosen and killed- Acts Ch. 6, 7 Church scattered- Acts 8:1 Phillip in Samaria- Acts 8:5 34* AD Saul converted- Acts 9:4 In Damascus- Acts 9:16 In […]

Lesson 13 – The Theology of the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Gospels After Jesus began His ministry in Israel, God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit. See Acts 10:38. Consequently, Jesus had an association with the Holy Spirit “without limit” while on earth. John 3:34. After Jesus had finished praying one day, a disciple asked Jesus to teach them to pray. We can see Jesus’ […]

Lesson 12 – God’s Evangelism Program for the Israelites in Jerusalem
Cast Please read from left to right to see the cast. Then read down to understand their role in prophecy and action. God, the Father of Jesus, 1:4. The Father set the times and dates by His own authority, 1:7. Jesus’ death on the cross was by God’s set purpose, 2:23; 4:28. Jesus Christ, […]

Lesson 11 – Worthy of Suffering Disgrace for the Name
God Jesus Christ: Prince & Savior Holy Spirit Angel Apostles Church: Ananias & Sapphira Satan Evil spirits Jews: Sanhedrin High priest Sadducees Gamaliel Scene # 1. 5:1-11. Lying will not work as a secret practice for Christians who have the indwelling, or fellowship, of the Holy Spirit. Luke recorded a “side –story” about the […]

Lessons 10 – The Reaction of the Jewish Leaders
God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Apostles: John & Peter Church, the saved Jews: Sanhedrin, High priest’ Family, Teachers of The law, Sadducees Reference: Herod, Pilate Gentiles Scene # 1. 4:1-4. The Sadducees and others were disturbed about the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. See Luke 20:27. Peter and John were put in […]

Lessons 9 – The Church Jesus Built
Based upon faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, Jesus said, “I will build My church.” Matt. 16:18 Yet a time is coming …. God is spirit and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:23, 24 Jesus is the cornerstone. Luke 20:17 The purity and fellowship of […]

Lessons 8 – God’s Evangelism of the Jews in Jerusalem
The Cast God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Jews Apostle Peter John The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our Father, has glorified his servant Jesus. 13 God through Jesus of Nazareth healed a crippled beggar at the temple gate called Beautiful. This development astonished the audience at Solomon’s Colonnade to which […]

Lessons 7 – Born Again of Imperishable Seed I Pet. 1:23
No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of the water and the Spirit. John 3:5 And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Rom 10:13 Open their eyes and turn […]

Lesson 6 – Prince and Savior
Prophecy The Messiah – The Christ A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. Isa. 11:1 To David, the son of Jesse. See God’s covenant: II Sam. 7:11-16 David’s charge to Solomon. I Chron. 28:5-10. Note: “If your sons keep My covenant.” V. 9. […]

Lessons 5 – The First Day of the Last Days
The Cast God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Apostles Believers Jews Converts to Judaism The prophet Joel spoke for God. Acts 2: 17. God did miracles through Jesus. 22. Jesus was handed over to death by God’s set purpose. 23. God had promised David with an oath that his descendant (Jesus) would be placed on […]