The Saint Lesson Aim: To reveal the doctrine of sanctification and to show how the result of this doctrine plus justification gives life to those who have been born again. Introduction The study and practice of the doctrine of sanctification is vital to our future relationship with God. The author of the Hebrew epistle said, […]
Lesson Three – Justification by Faith
Justification by Faith Lesson Aim: To show God offers a gift of righteousness for those “in Christ” for the purpose of peace and a positive self image. Introduction And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top […]
Lesson Two – The New Birth
The New Birth Lesson Aim: To show we must be “born again” to be transferred to the kingdom of God “in Christ” and how God will accomplish this only when we have faith in the cross, accept the new covenant and are baptized in water with Jesus for the remission of our sins. Introduction Just […]
Part V – The Man Dimension of God’s Kingdom with a Divine King
PART FIVE The Man Dimension of God’s Kingdom with a Divine King Introduction If, in fact, God created all mankind to be His children, what must Jesus accomplish in the “last days” of time as king over God’s kingdom? What He desired to accomplish is what happened according to the New Testament. This is what […]
Lesson Eight – All Israel Will be Saved
All Israel Will Be Saved Lesson Aim: To identify the true Israel of God and show how the present Jerusalem and Israel of the flesh relate to God’s kingdom. Introduction It has come to pass in our day a people who are known as the Jews have possessed the land area God gave to Abraham. […]
Lesson Seven – Israel Kills the Messiah
Israel Kills the Messiah Lesson Aim: To show that physical Israel fulfilled her last prophesied role as God’s nation by pressuring the Gentiles into crucifying Jesus Christ. Introduction Concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Apostle Paul said to King Agrippa, “For this has not been done in a corner.” Acts 26:26. […]
Lesson Six – Jesus the Law of Life
Jesus, the Law of Life Lesson Aim: To show how Jesus Christ’s life reveals the law of the new covenant. Introduction Can you imagine living in the city of Nazareth and “rubbing shoulders” with the Son of God for thirty years? This is how long the Divine One was flesh before He began to let […]
Lesson Five – The Word Became Flesh
The Word Became Flesh Lesson Aim: To show how the divine Son of God became incarnate in order to reveal the law of life, and how He condemned sin in the flesh and became the perfect sacrifice for believers’ sins. Introduction The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and […]
Lesson Four – The Check List
The Check List Lesson Aim: To reveal prophecy that detailed Jesus Christ’s birth, incarnate life and death. Introduction In our last lesson we studied messages the prophets received from God revealing most of the spiritual reasons for the coming of the Christ. Also, we have a good general understanding of His mission and the time […]
Lesson Three – The Expected Christ
The Expected Christ Lesson Aim: To reveal the Christ who was prophesied and to show how He was able to carry out God’s plan for a kingdom family. Introduction If we had lived during the Roman Empire and were looking for the Messiah, how could we have known Jesus of Galilee was the One, while […]