PART SIX Biblical Eschatology Introduction The Apostle Peter advised us to fix our hope completely on the grace to be brought to us “at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” I Pet. 1:13. Our belief in this grace is the meaning of the title of Part VI, Biblical Eschatology. Eschatology is the study about the end […]
Lesson One – The Blessing of Physical Death
The Blessing of Physical Death Lesson Aim: To show the sentence of physical death changed from a curse to a blessing after Adam and Eve sinned and where dead people abide until Jesus comes. Introduction The Bible clearly describes death and things beyond for Christians. We, above all people, are capable of understanding our own […]
Lesson Two – The Resurrection of the Dead
The Resurrection Of The Dead Lesson Aim: To understand the Biblical view of the resurrection of mankind and the Christian’s spiritual body. Introduction “How shall I survive?” This is one of the fundamental questions ask by all people. However, when we consider that one out of one dies our survival plan must transcend physical death. […]
Lesson Three – Judgment of the World and the Kingdom
Judgment of the World and the Kingdom Lesson Aim: To show that judgment of the church will consist of a character analysis of each member based on our work file and background, and the judgment of the mature people of the world will be a day of explanation of their sentence to Gehenna. Introduction And […]
Lesson Five – The Reward of the Faithful
The Reward of the Faithful Lesson Aim: To identify the blessings that will make Jesus’ return a joyous occasion for faithful Christians. Introduction From his prison cell John the Baptist, sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the Coming One, or shall we look for someone else?” Matt. 11:3. After Jesus gave John information […]
Lesson Six – The Inheritance of God’s Kingdom
The Inheritance of God’s Kingdom Lesson Aim: To show how faithful Christians will have the rule of God for our own, only after all distractions are removed from our lives by our death, resurrection and Judgment. Introduction I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is […]
Lesson Eight – Eternal Sons of God
Eternal Sons of God Lesson Aim: To help Christians contemplate how our lives will be in heaven. Introduction The following is a list of fundamental Bible truths, or theologies, used for the building blocks of this series of lessons. If the reader did not approach this study with an understanding of them, please re-study the […]
Lesson Seven – The Inheritance of Eternal Life
The Inheritance of Eternal Life Lesson Aim: To show that one difference between our life in Christ today and our inheritance of eternal life at judgment can be understood by the fact that we will not need Jesus as our intercessor to God after we inherit life. Introduction Enter by the narrow gate; for the […]
Lesson Four – The Destruction of the Lost
The Destruction of the Lost Lesson Aim: To trace the movement and monitor the condition of people who will not inherit the kingdom of God from their physical death through Hades, Judgment and into Gehenna. Introduction See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when […]