Standing in Grace Lesson Aim: To show how justification by faith gives us peace with God. Scripture: Rom. 4:22- 5:2. Word Definition (from W.E. Vine): Peace – (Greek-Eirene). Unity, concord, a harmonious relationship between two parties. Grace – (Charis). In our text it describes a state of grace that exists as a result of divine […]
Preface: Why Paul Wrote to the Saints in Rome
Preface Why Paul Wrote to the Saints in Rome Theme: The righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel. Romans 1:17 Faith in the gospel is God’s power to save mankind from sin, death, the wrath of God and Law. (All law such as the Law God gave to Israel through Moses). See Romans 5:12-21. […]
Lesson Eight – The Law of the Spirit of Life
The Law of the Spirit of Life Lesson Aim: To understand God’s law of life and the Holy Spirit’s relationship in Christians’ sanctification. Scripture: Romans 8:1-8 Introduction We have understood our dual nature from our last lesson. From the previous lesson we learned the problem of living under the type of law belonging to the […]

Lesson 8 – The Preacher
The Preacher Lesson Aim: To show the message of the Roman letter came from God to Paul. Therefore, the preacher who proclaims this message has a message from God for the people. Scriptures: Romans 1:1-17; 10:12-15; 15:14-33; 16:17-27. Lesson For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me […]

Lesson 7 – The Weak and the Strong
The Weak and the Strong Lesson Aim: To show that because judgment belongs to God, fellowship can be maintained “in Christ” with Christians who are on different spiritual levels; as well as people from different cultural backgrounds and with different abilities. Scripture: Rom. 13:8-15:7. Introduction Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant […]

Lesson 6 – The Christian and Civil Government
The Christian and Civil Government Lesson Aim: To show all governmental authority is established by God; therefore, they are not a cause of fear for those who do good. Scriptures: Romans 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17; Acts 4:18-20. Word Definitions: 1. Power (Greek– exousia). Privilege, authority, the same word is used in verses one, two, […]

Lesson 5 – Revenge Belongs to God
Revenge Belongs to God Lesson Aim: To show how a Christian overcomes evil and seeks peace in his relationship with sinners by walking in love. Scriptures: Romans: 12:17-21; 13:8-10; Matthew 5:38-48. Word Definition: Vengeance (Greek –ekdikesis). What proceeds out of – in Rom. 12: 19, the meaning is proceeding out of justice. Lesson This you […]

Lesson 4 – Love – The Circulatory System of the Church
Love – The Circulatory System of the Church Lesson Aim: To show how the behavior of sons of God, while functioning in the body of Christ, develops love without hypocrisy. Scripture: Romans 12:9-16. Word Definitions: From “An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words,” by W. E. Vine. Love (Greek, agape). See I Corinthians Chapter […]

Lesson 3 – The Church
The Church Lesson Aim: To show how the individual talents of different Christians are brought together in the church to function in the body of Christ. Scripture: Romans 12:3-8. Lesson The church of Christ the Apostle Paul referred to in Romans 16:16 was a group of people who were previously in Satan’s kingdom of darkness. […]

Lesson 2 – The Christian
The Christian Lesson Aim: To show how Christians make use of our bodies and minds in order to prove God’s will is good, pleasing and perfect. Scripture: Rom. 12:1, 2. Introduction This lesson will also preview some of the new thinking and behavioral activities Paul presented for Christians in these last chapters of the […]