A Sacrificial Life Lesson Aim: To preview Romans chapters 12-16 by summarizing the mercies of God from the first eleven chapters. Introduction I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 12:1 Christians have been […]

Lesson 5 – The Remnant Chosen by Grace
The Remnant Chosen by Grace Lesson Aim: To study Paul’s analogy of the batch of dough and the olive tree in order to identify the citizens of God’s kingdom on earth and to understand Jesus Christ’s present evangelism program for both Jew and Gentile. Scripture: Romans 11:11-36. Lesson “For God has bound all men over to […]

Lesson 4 – Israel, the Elect and the Lost
Israel, the Elect and the Lost Lesson Aim: To follow Paul’s train of thought as he leads his readers through a “literary obstacle course” in order to show God’s preachers and prophets did not fail the Israelites who had lost their salvation. Scriptures: Rom. 10:11 – 11:10. Introduction Our text functions in the middle of […]

Lesson 3 – The Word of Faith
The Word of Faith Lesson Aim: To show the relationship between the word preached and the faith it can produce. Scripture: Romans 10:1-13. Introduction Please review the introduction of Part IV, in the columns marked chapters nine and ten. All three of the chapters in Paul’s second part of his letter to the Roman Christians […]

Lesson 2 – God’s Choice and Justice
God’s Choice and Justice Lesson Aim: To show there is no unrighteousness in God’s activity because all people need His mercy. Scriptures: Rom. 9:14- 10:4. Introduction So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy. Rom. 9:16 The “it” in […]

Lesson 1 – God’s Promises to Abraham Are Being Validated in Christ
God’s Promises to Abraham Are Being Validated in Christ Lesson Aim: To show God’s word did not fail physical Israel by identifying who is the true Israel of God. Scripture: Rom. 9:1-16. Introduction One Biblical interpretation principle for reading a letter is to know what the recipients knew. The recipients of the Roman letter had […]

Lesson 11 – Freedom of the Children of God
Freedom of the Children of God Lesson Aim: To show that God works for the good in all things of those who love Him. Scripture: Romans 8: 18-39. Introduction The Apostle Paul presented six rhetorical questions in our lesson text that form a basis for a review of our study of the Roman […]

Lesson 10 – Glorified
Glorified Lesson Aim: To show how our eternity with God will be glorious because of its freedom from corruption. Scriptures: Romans 8:10, 11, 18-25; I Cor. 15:35-49. Lesson When Adam and Eve sinned they were separated from the tree of life; consequently, they began to die physically (Gen 3:22-24). They were corrupted spiritually […]

Lesson 9 – A Son of God
A Son of God Lesson Aim: To show the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the development of sons of God. Scripture: Romans 8:14-17. Introduction By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious; anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does […]

Lesson 7 – The Dual Nature of Man
The Dual Nature of Man Lesson Aim: To show why the man “in Adam in the world” cannot produce fruit for God under a Law like the Ten Commandments because of his dual nature. Scripture: Rom. 7:4-6 Word Definition: 1. Flesh. The Greek word is sarx. This word has a wide range of usages in […]