The Function of the Law Lesson Aim: To understand why God gave the Law to Moses and why it was a temporary arrangement for God’s children. Scriptures: Rom. 3:19, 20; 7:1-13; Gal. 3:19-25. Lesson Why the Law? It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, […]

Lesson 5 – The Doctrine of Sanctification
The Doctrine of Sanctification Lesson Aim: To show how a Christian’s reconciliation to God opens the door for our sanctification. Scripture: Romans 6:12-23 Word Definition: 1. Sanctification – Holiness: (Greek word, hagiasmos, noun). Rom. 6:19, 22. It means a setting apart to God. Sanctification is thus the state predetermined by God for believers: […]

Lesson 4 – Sin, a Reigning Power
Sin, a Reigning Power Lesson Aim: To understand the influence of sin on the “self” of a person who does not live by the law of life and how this influences their use of their body for wickedness. Scripture: Rom. 6:11-14. Introduction Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. I […]

Lesson 3 – Christians Transfer of Realms
Christians Transfer of Realms Lesson Aim: To show how a sinner can transfer out of the world realm and into Christ. Scriptures: Rom. 6:1-11; 7:4-6. Related Scriptures: I Cor. 12: 12, 13; Eph. 2:19-22; Col. 1:13, 18; John 3:3-8. Introduction The most sublime thought for the man “in Adam” in the world realm […]

Lesson 2 – God’s Intervening Grace
God’s Intervening Grace Lesson Aim: To show how God’s free gift gives Christians freedom from the problems suffered as a result of Adam’s offense. Scripture: Rom. 5:12-21. Introduction This could be considered the second part of our previous lesson because we are using the same scriptures. However, we will find it to be a very […]

Lesson 1 – The Fall of Man
The Fall of Man Lesson Aim: To show how through Adam’s offense sin and death came into this world and to reveal the general consequences for mankind. Scripture: Rom. 5:12-21. Introduction Our text presents a contrast between the problems “in Adam” in the world realm and the blessings for the man with the nature of […]
Lesson 11 – The Love of God
The Love of God Lesson Aim: To show the supremacy of God’s love over man’s love. Scriptures : Rom. 5:5-11. Lesson The word love in our title and in our text is translated in the Bible from the Greek word “agape.” The word for love normally used to mean the fellowship of people is translated […]
Lesson 10 – Hope of God’s Glory
Hope of God’s Glory Lesson Aim: To show how the vision of sharing in God’s glory is an integrating force in a Christian’s character and personality development. Scripture: Rom. 5:2-5. Word Definition: 1. Hope (Elpis) favorable and confident expectation. 2. Glory (Doxa) the honor resulting from a good opinion. 3. Tribulation (Thlipsis) […]
Lesson 8 – The Law of Faith
The Law of Faith Lesson Aim: To show how the law of faith accomplishes goals unattainable by works of law. Scripture: Rom. 3:27-4:25. Introduction A review: We cannot properly appreciate the law of faith without first understanding God’s righteousness and its relationship to peoples’ lives. The three previous lessons established that His righteousness is now […]

Lesson 7 – The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Aim: To show how a sinner can participate in God’s righteousness by faith. Scripture: Rom. 1:17; 3:21; 5:2. Word Definitions: See Part II, Lesson Six. Lesson There are two ways to be right before God. One way is to do everything right. This is by works of law. The […]