Speaking With Authority Scripture: Matthew 7:28, 29. Lesson The aim of this final lesson is to appreciate Jesus Christ as the teacher of life. We can appreciate the amazement of the multitudes taught by Jesus in Israel after our study of His sermon Matthew organized in his gospel. We too, are astonished at the insight […]

Lesson 5 – Making Jesus’ Life Principles Our Habits
Making Jesus’ Life Principles Our Habits Scripture: Matt. 7:24-27. Introduction Jesus closed His Sermon on the Mount with one of His favorite and very effective methods of teaching. He gave the world a parable; however, Christians are the only people who will be able to make His parable “work out” in their lives in the context […]

Lesson 4 – Young Adults
Young Adults Definitions: Life – translated from the Greek word zoe, (taken from An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine). From English word zoo, zoology. Zoe (life) is used in the New Testament to mean life as a principle, life in the absolute sense, life as God has it, that which […]
Lesson 3 – The Holiness and Pearls of Adolescence
The Holiness and Pearls of Adolescence Introduction Adolescence is a period of life from puberty to maturity. Puberty is defined as the condition or state of being able to reproduce sexually. Maturity has a wide range of definitions. In the context of this lesson, it means the stage of full development from puberty. Although, there […]

Lesson 2 – Interdependent Relationships
Interdependent Relationships Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do they will trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. Matt. 7:6 Introduction This is another command of Jesus about an issue where everyone knows what we ought to do but […]

Lesson 1 – Motives for Judging
Motives for Judging Matthew 7:1-5. Introduction Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matt. 7:1, 2 The Apostle Paul passed Jesus’ command on to the saints in Rome in […]

Introduction – Inferiority Complexes
Introduction – Inferiority Complexes Thus far in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus has taught us healthy emotional attitudes. He has warned us about the pitfalls that will rob us of our power to move toward our goals with strong character. Jesus showed us the proper goals for “laying up treasures in heaven.” He has […]

Lesson 5 – The Higher Needs of the Human Soul
The Higher Needs of the Human Soul Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 Introduction Please re-study the Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, Part I, Lesson One. Our needs for things like food, security, sex, sociability, achievement and glory were all “built in” by God Almighty. In computer language, it can be said we are “hand-wired” […]

Lesson 4 – The Antidote for Fear
The Antidote for Fear Lesson Aim: To show how fear is the culprit behind the emotional attachment people have for money. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do […]

Lesson 3 – Fasting
Fasting Lesson Aim: To understand how Jesus’ original audience understood fasting based on the Old Testament and to show the value of fasting for God’s people today. Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18. Introduction Fasting is one of the three “acts of righteousness” Matthew included in his gospel in chapter six. Similarly, with respect to the acts of […]