Speaking to God Lesson Aim: To show that prayers are answered by God when we pray to Him as a Person and with the proper motive. Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15. Introduction No one appreciates a hypocrite. This word was used fifteen times by the Lord in Matthew’s gospel. The Greek word “hupokrites” has been transliterated to […]

Lesson 1 – The Grace of a Giving Heart
The Grace of a Giving Heart “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise, you have no reward with your father who is in heaven.” Matt. 6:1 Introduction In our study of Matthew, chapter five, we have understood Jesus wants us to practice God’s righteousness as we function as salt […]

Introduction – Why People Do What We Do?
Why We Do What We Do The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Matthew 6:22, […]

Lesson 5 – Growing from Anger to Love
Scripture text for lesson: Matthew 5:38-48. Introduction Jesus will turn to another aspect of a Christian’s life in Matthew, chapter six; therefore, the foregoing chart is for our summary work of chapter five before we get into this last lesson of Part III. The aim of this lesson is to understand the dynamics of developing […]

Lesson 4 – Nothing, But the Truth
Nothing, But the Truth Scripture: Matthew 5:33-37. Introduction The following definitions may help us to understand the way Jesus’ terminology in our text was used during the adminstration of the Law of Moses. We will want to keep focused on Jesus’ intent for this sermon to the original Jewish audience (Matt. 5:17-20). He sought to […]

Lesson 3 – Adultery and Divorce
Adultery and Divorce Scripture: Matthew 5:27-32 Introduction When someone speaks with what appears to be “authority” on how to attain satisfaction for one of our innate needs, most people want to listen. If the information involves the sex drive people are “all ears.” Millions of messages go out about sexual activity over our world communication […]

Lesson 2 – Anger, the Potential to Murder
Anger, the Potential to Murder Scripture: Matt. 5:21-26 Introduction First let us consider what some psychologists have to say about anger.* Most will agree with the proverb; “Whoever is angry is in trouble.” Children show anger very early. In fact, they become angry so early some consider it an inherited trait. Perhaps anger is […]

Lesson 1 – The Requirements of the Law
The Requirements of the Law Lesson Aim: To show that Christians have been freed from the Law God gave to Israel to fulfill the requirements of that Law. Scripture: Matthew 5:17-20. Lesson Jesus had not spoken very long until He felt it necessary to reassure His Jewish audience that He did not intend to abolish […]

Introduction to the Study of Christian Character
Introduction to the Study of Christian Character The English words personality and character are not used in the Bible. Webster’s dictionary offers one definition for personality as “the totality of an individual’s behavioral and emotional tendencies.” Character is defined as a “distinctive quality” and “the complex of mental and ethical traits.” Although Jesus did not […]

Lesson 9 – Salt and Light
Salt and Light Lesson aim: To show how Christians, whose personalities have been developed with the emotional attitudes taught by Jesus Christ, are salt and light for people in their circle of influence. Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16. Introduction The processes of thought applied in this lesson to attain the aim are as follows: i) Salt and […]