Wayne Davis # 24A-13-7, Ist Floor, Kandukuri Veeresalingam Street, Ashok Nagar Eluru 534002 Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lesson Seven – God’s People
God’s People Lesson Text: I Corinthians 12:1-31. Lesson Aim: To understand Biblical terminology for identifying God’s people and the concepts established by this theology in order to grasp the function of God’s church as Jesus Christ’s body. Two Realms: It is significant to note the term “in Christ,” or its equivalent, has been used one […]
Lesson One – Sexual Passion of Humanity
Sexual Passion of Humanity Lesson Text: I Corinthians 7:1-40. Introduction In addition to historical and literary analysis, there are two other basic principles for reading a letter; One, follow the style of the writer; two, “know what the recipients knew.” Paul’s style or “train of thought” has notably changed in this text. Whereas, he was […]
From Eternity to Eternity – Predestined – Lesson One
From Eternity to Eternity Predestined Lesson One Our presence in this world is no accident. There was a carefully laid plan for us long before the first sunrise. The good earth upon which we walk did not evolve into its present form. The world was created full grown and able to reproduce its own kind […]
Lesson Two – Paul, Called to be an Apostle
Paul, Called to be an Apostle Introduction In Lesson One of this Introduction of the Corinthian letters we learned how these letters fit into Luke’s narrative in the book of Acts. They have their chronological, geographical and individual narrative recorded in Acts. As we progress in our study from I Corinthians to II Corinthians we […]

Lesoon 2 – Travels in Acts
Approximate Event Scripture Date, A.D. in Acts 30 Jesus returned to heaven 1:9 Holy Spirit came on Pentecost 2:1-4 Preaching in Jerusalem by Peter and John Ch. 3-5 Stephen chosen and killed Ch. 6, 7 Church scattered 8:1 Phillip in Samaria 8:5 34* Saul converted 9:4 In Damascus 9:16 In Arabia (Gal. 1:17,18) 37 […]