The Messiah – The Christ A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. Isa. 11:1 To David, the son of Jesse. See God’s covenant: II Sam. 7:11-16 David’s charge to Solomon. I Chron. 28:5-10. Note: “If your sons keep My covenant.” V. 9. Solomon was king over God’s kingdom I Chron. 29:23. To the virgin Mary. Luke 1:32, 33 Psalms 132:11, 12 |
Gospel of John
Lord, Prince, King – Truth 1:17, 18 Jesus’ life is the light for the life of mankind. 1:1-4; 8:12 (Law of life. Gal. 6:2; Jas. 4:12) If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. 8:31, 32 Jesus’ leadership mentality: “The towel and wash basin” versus “the chief seat.” The good shepherd. 10:10, 11 The vine. 15:5 I am the way and the truth and the life. 14:6 He is Christians Lord/King. 13:13; 18:37 Jesus will return to lead faithful Christians home to the Father of our spirits. 17:22-35 |
God has made this Jesus both Lord and Christ. 2:36 God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior. 5:31 God’s covenants with King David is being fulfilled. 2:29, 30. Jesus, the king, directed the evangelism program of the Jews who had gathered for the Pentecost via the Holy Spirit. 2:5-12. Jesus, the king, arranged instructions for those who were “called out” – the church, His body. 2:42-44. |
For about the Son He says, your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom. 1:8 Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. 1:13 But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. 3:6 Author and perfecter of our faith. 12:2 That great Shepherd of the sheep. 13:20 |
When the Messiah comes He will explain everything to us. John 4:25
Yes, Lord I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God. John 11:27 The Messiah gave Christians a king and priest. |
Priest Grace 1:17
The right to become children of God. 1:12 Believers can cross over from death to life. 5:24 Born again. 1:13: 3:3-8. For this I have come. 12:27 |
Salvation is found in no other name. 4:12
Savior 4:31; 15:11 Jesus was the “atoning sacrifice” for His own priesthood. 20:28 Forgiveness of sins. 22:16 Justification. 13:38, 39 Peace. 10:36 |
You are priest forever on the order of Melchizedek. 5:6; 7:1
Mediator of the new covenant. 8:6 Appears for us in the presence of God. 9:24 See 2:14-18; 4:14-16; 5:7-10; 10:19-23. |
The Messiah – The Christ
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. Isa. 11:1
To David, the son of Jesse. See God’s covenant:
II Sam. 7:11-16 David’s charge to Solomon. I Chron. 28:5-10. Note: “If your sons keep My covenant.” V. 9. Solomon was king over God’s kingdom I Chron. 29:23.
To the virgin Mary. Luke 1:32, 33 Psalms 132:11, 12 |
Gospel of John
Lord, Prince, King – Truth 1:17, 18
Jesus’ life is the light for the life of mankind. 1:1-4; 8:12 (Law of life. Gal. 6:2; Jas. 4:12)
If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. 8:31, 32
Jesus’ leadership mentality: “The towel and wash basin” versus “the chief seat.”
The good shepherd. 10:10, 11
The vine. 15:5
I am the way and the truth and the life. 14:6
He is Christians Lord/King. 13:13; 18:37
Jesus will return to lead faithful Christians home to the Father of our spirits. 17:22-35
God has made this Jesus both Lord and Christ. 2:36
God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior. 5:31
God’s covenants with King David is being fulfilled. 2:29, 30.
Jesus, the king, directed the evangelism program of the Jews who had gathered for the Pentecost via the Holy Spirit. 2:5-12.
Jesus, the king, arranged instructions for those who were “called out” – the church, His body. 2:42-44. |
For about the Son He says, your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom. 1:8
Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. 1:13
But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. 3:6
Author and perfecter of our faith. 12:2
That great Shepherd of the sheep. 13:20
When the Messiah comes He will explain everything to us. John 4:25
Yes, Lord I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God. John 11:27 The Messiah gave Christians a king and priest. |
Priest Grace 1:17
The right to become children of God. 1:12
Believers can cross over from death to life. 5:24
Born again. 1:13: 3:3-8.
For this I have come. 12:27 |
Salvation is found in no other name. 4:12
Savior 4:31; 15:11 Jesus was the “atoning sacrifice” for His own priesthood. 20:28 Forgiveness of sins. 22:16 Justification. 13:38, 39 Peace. 10:36 |
You are priest forever on the order of Melchizedek. 5:6; 7:1
Mediator of the new covenant. 8:6
Appears for us in the presence of God. 9:24
See 2:14-18; 4:14-16; 5:7-10; 10:19-23. |
Please see the next page for an explanation of this chart.
The present roles of Jesus Christ are Prince and Savior.
This chart has been developed to assist a teacher as he or she teaches a lesson from Acts Two about Jesus as both Lord and Christ. Also please see Prince and Savior (Acts 5:31).
Christians are interested in Jesus’ role as our Lord; however, we need to appreciate the significance of the appearance of the Messiah to the Jews who came to Jerusalem for Pentecost. “The One who was to come” is an Old Testament lesson we also need to keep in mind as we read Acts. The first column depicts this concern.
The last three columns illustrates a Biblical interpretation principle for reading Acts. This principle should be added to the principles on “How to read a narrative” in Part I, Lesson Three. It is specific to the reading of Acts.
The principle is this, before reading Acts we need to understand what Jesus taught in the Gospels about the subject we are studying in Acts. See column two on this chart. Next we see how our subject was introduced and activated in Acts (column three). Finally, to attain a deeper spiritual understanding of what Jesus taught in the Gospels and put in action in Acts, we will need to study the letters. See column four. The foregoing principle applies to all the theology, ethic and practice presented in Acts for Christians.
This specific chart has been developed to understand the Lord Jesus Christ as Prince (king) and Savior (priest). The upper portion of the first column in the chart briefly connects the lordship of Jesus to the covenants and prophesies God made with and through King David. In the lower portion we can see the general attitude of serious Jews who were looking for the coming of the Messiah (Hebrew), the Christ (Greek).
In the upper portion of the second column we have used the Gospel of John to help us understand how Jesus presented Himself as the Lord, King and Prince. In the lower portion of the second column we see how Jesus’ priesthood; that is, the function of Jesus as Savior should be understood as we read Acts. In other words, the way Jesus describes His role as our King and Priest in the Gospels is how we need to perceive Him in action in Luke’s narrative called Acts.
In the third column we have moved to the actual reading of Acts. This is where all authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and on earth. The spiritual way to read Acts will be to position ourselves where Jesus is at the right hand of God and watch Him lead God’s great evangelism program in Acts. The activity was directed from heaven by our Lord with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit.
In the upper portion of the fourth column we can understand some important details about Jesus’ role as king in the Hebrew letter. In the lower portion we learn about Jesus, our high priest and about Jesus the sacrifice for His own priesthood. At the same time we come to understand about God’s new covenant in the blood of Jesus. God offered us His new covenant through the priesthood of Jesus. If we do not study the Hebrew document along with Acts and the Gospels, we will know very little of the wonderful details of Jesus’ two roles, Prince and Savior. The priesthood of Jesus is fully explained only in the Hebrew letter.