From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson One Our presence in this world is no accident. There was a carefully laid plan for us long before the first sunrise. The good earth upon which we walk did not evolve into its present form. The world was created full grown and able to reproduce its own kind […]

Lesson Two – Called
From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson Two Adam was the first living soul; therefore, his characteristics became the standard for all living souls. We bear his mental and physical image. The Apostle Paul said, “As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who […]

Lesson Three – New Covenant
From Eternity to Eternity – Lesson Three Employers make covenants with their employees. They offer a certain sum of money and other benefits for a fixed amount of hours or production. Schools and institutions enter into covenant relationships with their students. The students must accept the covenant and apply themselves to the program in order […]