Faith Without Deeds is Useless Lesson Text: James 2:14-26. I. Review of Chapter One. This chart is about successes and failures in faith testing exercises. II. Summary. 1. A Christian’s faith develops by hearing – and hearing again – God’s word. James told us we should have formed our new “faith identity” from our encounters […]
Lesson Five – The Evil of Favoritism
The Evil of Favoritism Lesson Text: James 2:1-13. I. Word study: Verses 1 and 9. Verse 1. Favoritism in the NIV and “respect of persons” in the KJV has been translated from the Greek word, prosopolemptes, a verb. From two words: (1). Prosopon – meaning a face or a person. (2). Lambano – to lay […]
Lesson Four – Working Out the New Covenant
Working Out the New Covenant Lesson Text: James 1:19-27. A. Introduction. The reason it is necessary for God to beget mature people “in Adam” is because mankind is aware of what is good and what is evil. Children will have developed two very long lists of what is good and what is evil in their […]
Lesson Three – The Firstfruits of Creation
First Fruits of Creation Text: James 1:16-18. I. Introduction: Jas. 1:16, 17. “Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” This statement may be James’ “other side of the coin” from “For God cannot […]
Lesson Two – Christians’ Tendency to Lust
Christians’ Tendency to Lust Text: James 1:13-15. A. Introduction. The task of reading a letter requires an active engagement of our minds from the “beginning to the end” of the document. This is especially true in cases when we are not the original recipients. The need for our attention is highly energized when our lives […]
Introduction – Reading James
Reading James Aim: The lessons in Part I of this book are entitled “The Epistle of James.” They have been developed to hear God speak to us through this letter. The aim is for each student to read James as if he or she is an original recipient. The lessons are not commentaries; however, comments […]
Lesson One – The Testing of Faith
Testing of Faith Scripture Text: James 1:1-12. A. Introduction. James assumed the recipients knew the word of God; therefore, he was justified for beginning his letter with the joys and benefits of Christians’ faith testing. The recipients’ faith came from hearing God’s “living and enduring” word (Rom. 10:17; Heb. 4:2). The faith abiding in Christians’ […]
Preface The Apostle John told the brethren; “I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth.” I John 2:21. James assumed the “twelve tribes scattered among the nations” had faith in the theologies, ethics and practices taught […]