The Letters to the Corinthians

Part I

Part II

  • Introduction: Literary AnalysisEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson One: A Living BeingEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Two: Let Him Who Boast, Boast in the LordEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Three: Boasting in II CorinthiansEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Four: The Major Thought Movement in I CorinthiansEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Five: Paul’s Literary Style in II CorinthiansEnglish | Telugu

Part III

  • Introduction: The Meaning of the Corinthian ScripturesEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson One: The Wisdom of GodEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Two: The Wisdom of God Worked Out in Christ JesusEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson Three: Do Not Go Beyond What is Written –  English | Telugu
  • Lesson Four: Hand This Man Over to Satan –  English | Telugu
  • Lesson Five: Disputes Between Believers – English | Telugu
  • Lesson Six: Will Not Be Mastered by AnythingEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson SevenHermeneutical Principles – English | Telugu

Part IV

Part V

  • IntroductionPrinciples of Life in II Corinthians – English | Telugu
  • Lesson One: Christian’s Fellowship of Suffering and Encouragement – English |  Telugu
  • Lesson Two: Christian’s Boast of a Clean Conscience – English | Telugu
  • Lesson Three: Maintaining RelationshipsEnglish | Telugu
  • Lesson FourThe Ministry of Reconciliation – EnglishTelugu
  • Lesson FiveGod Loves a Cheerful Giver  English | Telugu
  • Lesson Six If I Must Boast  English | Telugu
  • Lesson SevenDivine Power to Demolish Strongholds  English | Telugu

A printed copy of the above books in English and Telugu are available within India. If you desire a book please contact us